Archive for the ‘News’ Category.
30. Oktober 2014, 16:42
Today, we released the last update for version 3.1. This update contains some chart enhancements, a new meter chart type, fixes some compability issues with newer browsers and contains performance improvements for stores. Also, a number of bugfixes have been added to this release.

A full list of all new features and bugfixes is part of this post and the current download.
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22. April 2014, 16:03
Today, we released update 3 of our current version 3.1. This new version contains a number of impovements and bugfixes, but the the biggest improvement of all is our new Javascript Chart Engine, which is included for free in instantOLAP starting with this release.
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14. März 2014, 19:28
We are happy to announce our new javascript chart library olapCharts to be released in March 2014. It uses HTML 5 and javascript and is fully interactive without using browser plugins like Java, Flash or Silverlight.
The chart engine will be included in the next release of instantOLAP and totally replace the old engine in a later release. It is fully compatible with the old engine and uses the same report properties. As a result, our existing customers won’t need to change their existing reports to use the new charts.
iolapCharts supports nearly all properties of the old engine and contains new eye-catching features like animations, new chart types, in-chart drill down and much more.
8. Februar 2011, 17:44
Today, we publish the release canidate for version 3!
The release candidate contains the new front end with all features the final release will have and some new demo reports, which demonstrate the new layout possibilities of 3.0.
In difference to our original plan, the Workbench still contains a report editor and users will be able to create and edit reports in the web front end OR in the Workbench.

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28. Juni 2010, 13:22
Update 3 for our current relase 2.6.1 is available. It contains a few bugfixes and small improvements, like better cache management for browsers. As usual, you can download the update from our download page and the release notes are attached to this post.
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16. Juni 2010, 22:07
We’re proud to announce the next generation of instantOLAP for late 2010. Version 3 will come with an enormous number of improvements and great features – mainly in the frontend – including two visual and intuitive query desginers, a better layout engine for reports, usage of multiple models in the same query and much more…

24. März 2010, 17:34
An update of our current version 2.6.1 is available for download. Like the previous update, it contains some small improvements and bug-fixes but no major changes. The next major release of instantOLAP will be version 2.7 and is scheduled for summer 2010. Find the release notes for this update attached to this article.
20. Januar 2010, 20:42
Today, we released the update 1 of our current version 2.6.1. This update is a pure service update and only contains bug fixes and small convenience improvements but no unknown features. As usual, you can download the update from our download page and you’ll find the release notes of the update in this post.
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17. November 2009, 14:47
Today we uploaded the next release of instantOLAP on our server. Version 2.6.1 is more than a service release, it also contains a number of nice frontend and backend features and improvements.
You can download the version from our downloads page. You will also find a update of our manual, reference and online documentation on our documentation page. Read this article to learn some details about version 2.6.1 and to read its release notes.
Continue reading ‘Release 2.6.1’ »
20. August 2009, 12:39
From today, the release 2.6.0 is available for download on our download page.
If you haven’t read about 2.6 before, have a look into our previous article Whats new in 2.6?. At a glance, the version has some nice frontend improvements, it is faster and uses less memory, it is easier to use and it contains less restrictions. Read the release notes in this article for a complete list of all improvements and fixes.
And version 2.6 contains a free administrator license for each new or existing customer. This also means, you will no longer need to request an evaluation license if you want to download and test instantOLAP. Just download the software, install it and start using the it without any time limit.
Continue reading ‘Release 2.6.0’ »